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Les Trois Ballons

The cyclosportive race "les Trois Ballons", which is part of the Grand Trophée France takes place on a yearly basis at about mid June.
The race counts a Master Ride of about 213 km and 4.300 altimeter as well as a Senior Ride of about 105 km with 2.100 altimeter. The route of the race can slightly change from year to year. You can subscribe on the platform of, group subscriptions are also possible. The course is not traffic free, but the professional organization and signalization ensure that your trip will be as save as possible.

Edition 2016 - June 11th

Start hour :  7.15 am
Start location : thermal station of Luxeuil-les-Bains
From here on, the participants will be heading towards the National Park of the Ballons des Vosges.

The first climb is the Col des Chevrères (914 meter), which will be followed by
the Ballon de Belfahy (916 m): also called the “Petit Galibier’ - with a local climbing rate of 15%
the Ballon d’Alsace (1065m)
the Hundsruck (748m)
the Col d'Amic
the Grand Ballon - also the highest point of the race (1325m) 
the Col d’Oderen (884m)
the Col des Croix (678m), from there on, the participants will be heading towards the finish.
The finish lies in "La Petite Finlance" (the land of 1.000 Lakes) at the sports complex of Raddon-et Chapendu.

From there on, it's about +/- 8 km back to the start.

Profile Master ride (213 km - 4.300 altimeter)

Course Master ride


Profile Senior ride (105 km - 2.100 altimeter)

Course Senior ride

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