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The initiative goes back in time until 1997, when the founder Giancarlo Brocci created an event, gathering the love for cyclism, its history and different cultural aspects surrounding it. He wanted to go back to the roots of this splendid sport, the sport of Bartali and Coppi. L'Eroica is also a foundation to preserve the Tuscan Strade Bianche.
This is also why the participants are riding vintage bicycles and are wearing old-fashioned vintage cycling suits. After its initial success, the formula was also exported towards, Spain, Japan, the UK and the US.


Short route Chanti Classico 38km
it is the most simple synthesis, in around 3 hours and 700m altimeters, a taste of  L'EROICA Atmosphere

Medium route Chianti Classico 75km
It is the "gateway" to the myth of l'eroica, in 4 hours, and 1900 meters of difference in level, in addition to the beauty highlighted in the short route, do not miss.

Medium Long route Land of Siena 135km
We are in the "myth" but still within reach of an amateur public  with route times that can stretch far beyond the 10-12 hours or more. Do not miss:

Long route Land of Siena 209km
It is "eroica" at it’s most authentic.
Over 3700 meters of difference in level with an average of at least 15 hours, the last arriving after 10 pm! Here is all of the extreme spirit but also the beautiful scenery of this area:

The routes of "l'Eroica" cover some of the most beautiful roads in the area of chianti, valdarbia and val d'orcia, but the highlight is represented by those stretches of white roads that still exist, that allow you to experience the atmosphere of cycling in another era.

The edition 2015 of l'Eroica takes place on Sunday, October 4.

Programme :

Kids & Bikes
from Friday 2 to Sunday 4 October
Gardens next to the middle school
10:00/12:30 + 15:00/18:30 - Games and fun bike-themed activities

Friday 2 October
Ex Cantine Ricasoli
09:00/19:00 – Vintage bikes & accessories exhibit and market
09:00/13:00 – 15:00/19:00 – registration of accredited guests, checking and collection of event numbers

Saturday 3 October
Ex Cantine Ricasoli
09:00/19:00 – Vintage bikes & accessories exhibit and market
09:00/19:00 – registration of accredited guests, checking and collection of event numbers
09:00/16:00 – reservation and purchase of tickets for the “Heroes dinner”
15:30 – Mini-Eroica : non-competitive event for children, followed by a party with snacks
16:30 - L’eroica for charity : presentation of the charitable initiatives of the Eroica Foundation

Sunday 4 October - L'Eroica
Ex Cantine Ricasoli
04:45 – registration check ….ready...set...!
05:00/07:00 – start of 205 and 135km routes
08:30/09:30 – start of 75 and 38km routes
Ex Cantine Ricasoli
11:00/22:00 – Arrival of the heroes : welcome and prizes for the “Finisseurs” of all 4 routes

Piazza Ricasoli
17:00 - Music in the Piazza : with the Gaiole in Chianti Philharmonic Band, followed by live music

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Birzman Q-Cycling
Merida Centurion