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People who do sport will usually and automatically pay more attention to their diet.

Whether you are a competitive or a recreational cyclist, you will automatically look for a diet that gives you an athletic advantage and you will try to avoid certain nutritional deficiencies that could limit your sport performance.

Many basic nutrients that are essential for a balanced diet are already available in your daily meals.

In addition, it is very important that you hydrate sufficiently when you do sport (both before and after). You can do this by drinking water (when doing sport for shorter periods at a time) or switching to sports drinks containing electrolytes or carbohydrates (for longer periods).

When performing in cycling, you should strive to achieve balanced carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin and mineral ratios.

Carbohydrates supply our bodies with energy.
Proteins, on the other hand, are recommended for endurance exercise and power training.

There are clear distinctions between what you need to take in before, during and after competition rides or intensive training.

There is a wide variety of balanced food supplements, which can be taken in before, during or after your training sessions or competition rides. These can range from isotonic drinks, high-energy sports drinks and energy bars to mineral supplement powders, etc.

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