Puerto de Los Leones

By Bernard.V


  •   Suited for road bikes

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distance 5 km
start height 1250 m
end height 1511 m
highest point 1511 m
ascent 261 m
distance uphill 5 km
average ascent percentage 5.2 %
maximum ascent percentage 5.2 %

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We climbed the Leones in that direction end of may 2005, in very nice weather, as part of a loop starting and ending in Guadarrama-village, and including the Navacerrada as well. In fact, reaching San Rafael from the direction of Segovia, you have already done an important part of the climb. The main road Segovia-Madrid (N603) is constantly climbing with a variable gradient, a climb that is interruped by a short descending section near Los Angeles de San Rafael (3rd cat. in the Vuelta). From San Rafael, there are 5 moderately steep kilometers left, along a very wide road, mostly accross a pine forrest. jan devos - sint-martens-latem, Belgium

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start point Av del Alto del León, 41, 40410 El Espinar, Spain
end point Av del Alto del León, 41, 40410 El Espinar, Spain

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