Maniva, Passo del Maniva

By Bernard.V


  •   Suited for road bikes

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distance 12.4 km
start height 834 m
end height 1664 m
highest point 1664 m
ascent 830 m
distance uphill 12.4 km
average ascent percentage 6.7 %
maximum ascent percentage 6.7 %

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The gradient is quite constant and can be regarded as medium. From the vilage at the bottom (collio), you have to take a left (dont go straight on as this leads to a dead end). The climb is nicely wooded for shade, and so you dont have to see the distance yet to travel! At the top of the maniva, the views are stunning (we did it in april so there was still much snow present), and in fact we cudnt go any higher, or descend the other side of the maniva down the treacherous road to bagolino because both were closed roads. At the top of the mountain we stayed at friendly and nice hotel/b + b style place. There is also a restaurant at the top.

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start point Via Ermanno Margheriti, 25060 Collio Province of Brescia, Italy
end point Via Ermanno Margheriti, 25060 Collio Province of Brescia, Italy

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