

par Lloyd le vendredi 21 décembre 2012 16:26

Hello everyone, I am Lloyd, a 50 yr old,an overweight heart attack victim. In 2006, had the event. Quit smoking and started working on my health.
Rediscovered cycling, when I started working for Wal- Mart in 2008. Gas was high, (for us here in the states anyway) and I saw the bikes we sell every night. The wife didn't like my suggestion, that we start riding. Never did get her talked into it. In 2009 watched the TDF and was hooked again.
In the 70's I rode to school in south FL and every where else. Then cars came along at 15, good bye bicycles. After watching cycle racing, I decided to get one. I just got a smart phone and discovered Catena. Still learning it and the phone, more rides and running work outs coming.


Bernard (anglais)

Dear Lloyd,

It's great to have you on Catena.
We wish you and your family and friends fine holidays and all the best for the year to come.


il y a 11 ans - Inapproprié

Agostinho (néerlandais)

Hi Lloyd, wish you lots of succes.

il y a 11 ans - Inapproprié

bassnutt1 (anglais)

Thank Bernard and Agostinho. Looking forward to the new year. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Hoildays and new year as well.

il y a 11 ans - Inapproprié

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Merida Centurion