Name Date Distance Duration Av. speed Activity
wow 28.11.2020 55.12 km 02h 00m 00s 27.56 km/h Cycling
why not 15.4.2022 60.99 km 02h 30m 00s 24.39 km/h Cycling
Voye Monnis 18.10.2017 19.25 km 00h 44m 00s 26.25 km/h Cycling
Voye di monnis 26.3.2020 14 km 00h 40m 00s 21 km/h Cycling
Voye des Monnis 2 15.6.2019 15.34 km 00h 36m 00s 25.56 km/h Cycling
Vooosges plus long 26.3.2022 67.1 km 03h 00m 00s 22.37 km/h Cycling
Vooosges 26.3.2022 51.41 km 02h 00m 00s 25.71 km/h Cycling
Viste Achet Mohiville 100% nature 1.2.2021 49.74 km 02h 00m 00s 24.87 km/h Cycling
Vendredi off 3.6.2021 70.76 km 03h 00m 00s 23.59 km/h Cycling
Vendredi 3.6.2021 70.17 km 03h 00m 00s 23.39 km/h Cycling

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Birzman Q-Cycling
Merida Centurion