Name Date Distance Duration Av. speed Activity
Zolder 15.3.2014 82.51 km 03h 53m 31s 21.2 km/h Cycling
Westouter - Wervik 26.8.2013 38.61 km 02h 25m 09s 15.96 km/h Cycling
Westouter - Deerlijk 28.8.2013 62.43 km 02h 59m 33s 20.86 km/h Cycling
Wervik - Westouter 26.8.2013 36.21 km 02h 03m 33s 17.58 km/h Cycling
Tongerlo 30.3.2014 103.13 km 05h 05m 35s 20.25 km/h Cycling
Toer Nieuwenhovespurters 23.2.2014 65.92 km 03h 37m 53s 18.15 km/h Cycling
terug in het zadel 13.6.2013 25.26 km 01h 18m 36s 19.28 km/h Cycling
Sault - Mont Ventoux 22.6.2013 25.48 km 02h 55m 24s 8.72 km/h Cycling
Riemst 13.4.2014 108.88 km 05h 37m 12s 19.37 km/h Cycling
Peugeot Classic 60km 14.7.2013 78.53 km 04h 06m 43s 19.1 km/h Cycling

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Birzman Q-Cycling
Merida Centurion