Gempen from Liestal

Da cbezant


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distanza 5.13 km
altezza alla partenza 376 m
altezza finale 704 m
punto più alto 704 m
altimetri 325 m
in salita 5 km
percentuale media di salita 6.5 %
percentuale massima di salita 13.1 %

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Gempen from Liestal ha una lunghezza di 5.13 km, ha il suo punto più alto a 704 m, e continua a salire per 5 km. La pendenza media dello Gempen from Liestal è di 6.5%.

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punto di partenza Liestalerstrasse, 4412 Nuglar-St. Pantaleon, Svizzera
punto finale Liestalerstrasse 43, 4145 Gempen, Svizzera

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cbezant (inglese)

Climbed on 3 April 2013. The first section is quite steep but soon eases off before Nuglar village, allowing me to get a good rhythm. After Nuglar the road traversed a steep hillside, someone had been pruning fruit trees and lit a small fire to burn the cuttings. It burnt brightly in the night's gloom. There was a steep section through the woods and I thought that it might be the summit, but this only opened out into a high level with further hills behind. The road continued to climb into this last range, angling up a steep bank. There was just a tiny amount of light in the sky when the road opened out from the trees and the promise of a long fast descent into Dornach.

11 years ago - Inappropriato

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