
Rocky Mountain Bike Marathon

por osallent el viernes 13 noviembre 2015 14:06

The Rocky Mountain BIKE Marathon is the sporting highlight of the Ziener BIKE Festival Garda Trentino powered by MINI. Beginning and ending in Riva del Garda, the race leads 2.500 participants from over 30 nations on gorgeous trails around lake garda.

The drivers can choose between 4 approved distances. The Ronda Facile covering 28 kilometers and 700 meter difference in altitude is recommended for beginners – advanced riders and professionals will extremely enjoy the Ronda Extrema. The Ronda Grande and Piccola provide a healthy mix of high demands and downright driving pleasure.

This weekend will be an unforgettable start of the season for the mountain biker scene. Additionally to the four different race distances there will be a proven program mix for every guest of the Ziener BIKE Festival Garda Trentino powered by MINI: EXPOBrügelmann City Eliminator, Scott Junior Trophy, Riders Party, Pasta Party and much more.

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Catena : La Comunidad Mundial de Ciclismo

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