La Covatilla

By Bernard.V


  •   Suited for road bikes

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distance 19.9 km
start height 820 m
end height 1966 m
highest point 1966 m
ascent 1146 m
distance uphill 19.9 km
average ascent percentage 5.8 %
maximum ascent percentage 5.8 %

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The ultimate morning (our airplane took off that afternoon in Madrid) of our stay in Cubinos hotel (Vallejera) was ideal to schedule a "up and down" of the Covatilla. It was again splendid weather (end of june 2005) when we started at 8:30. The proper part of the climb, i.e. from where you leave the main road Béjar-Barco de Avila, in la Hoya (in fact, before reaching La Hoya, you are already constantly climbing ...), can best be considered as a mini-Ventoux : take 2/3 of each section of the Bedouin-side of the Ventoux, and you obtain the Covatilla : 3 kmts stepwise up (like Bedouin - St Esteve), then 6 kmts really steep (about 10 %, like St Esteve - Chalet Renard) and finally 4 kmts moderately steep (8-9% like Chalet R. - top). Due to the ideal meteorologic conditions and the fact that our legs were not submitted to substantial effort the hours before, we had no problem at all to reach the top. This could be quite different in the heath of the afternoon at the end of a long mountain stage, e.g. the Cubino Classic, an event for cyclo-sportifs organized each 3rd Saturday of June, crossing the whole montaneous region and where the finish is judged at the top of the Covatilla (optionally, you can also terminate in Bejar). jan devos - sint-martens-latem, Belgium

Find more climbs and routes near La Covatilla


start point Plaza Mayor, 1, 37700 Béjar, Spain
end point Plaza Mayor, 1, 37700 Béjar, Spain

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